Saturday, June 25, 2016

BPgAy - How to control population the sneaky way

So I came across this video today...

And poked around, did some reading for myself.

Looks like BPA (that chemical found in plastics and many other products) is altering our hormones, (Specifically; sex hormones), among other things. This study has shown female rats exposed to BPA (in any amount) permanently affected their reproductive hormones. The exposed rats experienced early puberty and abnormal ovulation. Humans are similarly affected.

More studies have linked BPA exposure to diabetes, miscarriages, cancers, altered behavior such as hyperactivity, decrease in maternal behavior, downs syndrome, and the list continues.

This study claims to have found a disturbing change in the brains of the rats exposed to BPA;
   "an area in the hypothalamus called the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (SDN-POA), which plays a role in regulating sexual behavior and has been proposed, in humans, to be important for determining sexual orientation."

Did you catch that last part? BPA affects the part of the brain that determines sexual orientation. They also studied the behavior of the affected rats and found that the gender differences were reversed, in both the females and the males. In essence; BPA made these rats gay. (Science fiction stuff, right? Nope. Just science).

And the US government is about the last place on Earth that hasn't banned it yet.

That shouldn't surprise me I guess. It's no secret that the world is nearing over population to the point that Earth can no longer sustain us. (Did you think they are so interested in Mars because it's pretty?) National Geographic magazine dedicated a whole year of articles to food and how we plan to grow enough of it to feed the growing population.

So it would make sense that our government might want to encourage a decrease in births. To, you know, keep us citizens at manageable numbers. The least invasive way to do that is turn mens' eyes to one another instead of toward women with fertile wombs, and vice-versa.

I started to notice years ago that homosexuality seemed to be on the rise. Don't get me wrong, that's not a judgement, only an observation. I suspected it had something to do with our growing population but I never thought the phenomenon was deliberate. (I mean, that's really weird, right?)

I'm not really sure how to feel about the government actively making us gay. (Or at the very least allowing it). Like; wasn't it my right to be attracted to the opposite sex? Does it matter in the long run, as long as love still exists?
Maybe something similar to this happened in Sodom and Gomorrah?

Kinda makes China's one baby rule look sort of fair, huh? At least they were in on it.


Thanks, L. for the conversation. Stimulating, as always.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Travel List - vol. 1 - Agartha

I hate to be cold, with a passion. BUT... At the poles may lie an entrance to the center of the Earth; Agartha. And I'm dying to investigate.

The hollow Earth theory isn't a new one. You may have heard of Jules Verne, his sci-fi novel "Journey to the Center of the Earth", or at least seen the Brendan Fraser movie. He's not the only one though, many others have touched on the theory, as far back as the ancient Greeks, who believed the underworld was the realm of Hades and the dead.

Other religions have similar ideas about the center of the Earth, as I'm sure you are well aware. The Christians have Hell, the Jewish Sheol, Buddhist Shamballa, the Celts, the Iroquois, the list goes on. Some even believe the fabled garden of Eden may have actually been inside the Earth. (Makes sense to me, it is a place we haven't had access to. Maybe there's more to the biblical eviction story than we think). It's also thought that the Arctic could have once been green and inhabited, but that is a story for another day.

But ancient theology aside; there's more recent accounts of guys who claim to have actually been there. They were hushed pretty quickly of course. One was suicided, the other lost. A journal survived though.

My curiosity is way out of control on this one. I have so many questions! What does it look like? It's said there's a sun, how does that work? Is Hell down there? Is the sun Hell? Are the seven layers of Hell part of the journey in there?

Who lives down there? Gods? Aliens? Angels? Devils?

Is it the garden of Eden the bible speaks of? Is it heaven? Shangri-La? Nirvana? Why the secrecy?
How did people who had no business knowing anything about it have knowledge of this? Jules Verne for example; had he been there? Was his novel in fact nonfiction?

Why is it such a secret? Why is the military guarding it so heavily?

What about other planets? Could this explain why planets in our solar system appear uninhabited? Could they be living on the inside?

There are caves and other believed entrances scattered around the globe. Perhaps one of these was the cave Leonardo DaVinci supposedly disappeared into for a couple years in his youth?

Have any thoughts to add? Please comment!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Tapping the Admiral - Corpse-Flavored Rum

If you've never heard the term "tapping the admiral", don't worry, you're not alone. Me neither. The term originates from a pretty bizarre event, which we'll go into in a moment.

First, here's a creepy little story in the form of a meme;

You're welcome.

Tales of finding a pickled corpse at the bottom of your barrel of rum are apparently nothing new. These strange and disgusting urban legends were passed around as far back as the 1500's to impart an important moral about not drinking thy neighbors booze or some shit. They were big on morals back in the day.

So you can put a face to the flavor.
Lord Horatio Nelson, a British admiral, was mortally wounded in battle in 1805. A shot to the gut may not be a death sentence by today's standards but back in Napoleon's time (who is exactly the guy responsible for this one. Well, his people anyway) a hole in your entrails meant you're fucked.

Normally when you died at sea back then you'd be whale food, but this guy was the admiral, so his crew felt they should hang onto his corpse. My guess is they feared for their asses when they got back to Britain sans-boss. (In their defense, they did at least win the battle).

Embalming wasn't a thing back then, (they started that nonsense during the American Civil war), so to get him to England without stinking up the ship, his corpse was stuffed in a barrel of brandy.

We all know sailors were filthy drunkards, so when the non-corpsinated booze ran dry, legend says they sucked up their pride and tapped into the admiral's personal stash. Hence, "tapping the admiral" became a thing.
Fuck it.

However, a more recent tale of corpse-ale seems to have a little more credibility (according to Snopes), than your run of the mill campfire tale.

According to a Hungarian police magazine website, a construction crew made a killer discovery in the cellar of a large home recently vacated by a deceased widow. I mean; if you found a big old barrel of rum that nobody would miss, you totally wouldn't touch it, right? They say the barrel was too heavy to move, so they drained it. (By which you know I mean they got totally shit faced). They even bottled some for later and said they enjoyed the peculiar flavor.

Waste not, want not.
Upon draining the barrel though, it was still too heavy. So they cut it open, and out fell this marinated naked dude.

Apparently the guy died on vacation in Jamaica and to avoid the costs associated with transporting him overseas the legal way, the woman stuffed him in this barrel of rum and paid for that to be mailed to her. Then she kept her pickled husband in her basement for 20 years, for sentimental reasons, no doubt.

Although the publication was later pulled due to a lack of supporting evidence, it was first picked up by BBC and NBC, who excitedly published before fact checking and later posted a hilarious "oops, it was possibly total bullshit" memo to make up for it.

(I believe it)

It's ok, NBC, shit happens.

 If you enjoyed this creepy shit, +1, comment and subscribe for more.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Confession - I deleted everyone I know

I recently deleted ALL of my friends from Facebook.
And it's wonderful.

Fucking glorious, in fact.

Facebook is how the younger millennials live their lives. Every freaking thing they do is immediately posted to Facebook (and Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, etc). They say nothing is official until it's posted to Facebook. It's awful.

Social media has become this ever present, looming, invasive entity and has taken over modern life. It demands to know "what's on your mind?" every time you open it. It's built into your iPhone, your laptop rolled off the assembly line with it pre-installed. Traditional media is even taking things said on Facebook seriously now, sharing posts and comments on actual news on real television.

Join Us Or.. 

It seems nearly every person on the planet who is old enough to read and write has a Facebook account. Every company has a Facebook. Open up your pantry, pull out any name brand product in there. Go on, try the Lucky Charms. Now look on the back of the box, or maybe the bottom of the front panel. See the little blue "f" there? Yup, you can "connect" with your cereal on Facebook. Because just eating it is never enough (anymore).

As Seen On Everything

It's how we communicate, how we share experiences, how we find each other, how we entertain ourselves. How we argue has even moved over to Facebook. I can't remember the last time I argued using actual words, spoken to an actual face. (Oh yeah, it was 25 minutes ago. My two year old is definitely not having candy for breakfast again though).

So after a particular argument, over something as stupid as a stranger "liking" a picture, I deleted my entire friends list except for seven people. I kept my immediate family; the ones I actually like and talk to often, my boyfriend, and a friend who passed away a few years ago. It was a massive purge of crap that I don't need in my life.

It was never personal. I still like the people I deleted, I just don't feel I need to keep up-to-date on what they ate for dinner last night or that their kid just turned 2 months and 4 days old, or who's bored, depressed, mysteriously angry at unnamed, ya know, the useless info that (I feel) should really be shared in person within your close circle, not necessarily with everyone you know.

Of course, they didn't see it that way. It most definitely had to be personal. Deleting a friend from Facebook means you are no longer friends with that person in real life. 'Cuz, who just deletes people for no reason? Who does that?!

Me. Only me.

Conclusions are the worst thing to jump to

Damage control from purging my friends list has been a nightmare. I've had to explain over and over again that it was not personal, that everyone got deleted, not just you, and that we are in fact still actual friends, just not on Facebook. I've had to re-friend a few people who were honestly hurt deep down by my action, and no amount of explaining could ever convince them that Facebook doesn't have to be a direct reflection of me or my life. Facebook IS life.

The general opinion that Facebook has taken over as real life is depressing, and some people are still sore that I deleted them (forever from my life, if you ask them), but honestly; I'm glad I did it. When did we become so dependent on social media? This new way of life is so lonely and boring. I miss the days when I could go visit my friends and their faces weren't hovering over a smart phone. Don't get me wrong, I still have friends who visit and (for the most part) keep their attention focused on the here and now, but go out in public, you'll see people connected to something electronic at almost all times.

I've found using Facebook much more enjoyable since I deleted everyone I know. My newsfeed is so uncluttered now. I can see things I'm interested in instead of endless memes about everything from relationships to current events. I now have 20 friends and 52 followers. I still use messenger daily. I still follow the friends who have it enabled on their page. If you don't allow followers- turn it on so I can follow you! I recommend it!

      -Legit button to my personal Facebook page.

If you're taking your Facebook relationships too seriously, please for the love of all that is natural and wonderful in this world, stop doing so. It's still just Facebook. Don't let it entirely replace real life. Pick up a phone and call a friend today. Get in your car and go visit your family in person. "Like" your nieces and nephews in real life instead of a video of them playing without you.

Of course distance and funding problems are still a thing, do what you can.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Poor Not Welcome - Boycott of Saratoga Springs

Saratoga Springs, New York; a cute little place to visit just south of the Adirondack mountains with plenty of tourist aimed attractions to indulge in. A nice place to visit, shitty place to be poor.

The town has recently banned sitting or lying on its sidewalks. A shot fired at the homeless, who are an unsightly blemish on the tourist town's public areas, reserved, apparently for paying customers only.

The town claims its homeless and impoverished population has become problematic, blaming "aggressive panhandlers" for endangering the safety of the public.

The ordinance was voted in, 4-1 on Tuesday. Perpetrators will be fined $50 to $100 if they refuse to cease using the sidewalks as a place to sit. They are allowed one warning.

Welcome to 'Murica. Poor not welcome.

Subscribe to my blog =)

Monday, May 30, 2016

Weird Angel Found in Ancient Church

Buried behind centuries old layers of plaster, in a decayed church in Bethlehem, an intriguing discovery was made. 
A lost angel.
Obtained from National Geographic 

The 1,700 year old Church of the Nativity, built at the supposed site of the birth of Jesus Christ, was in dire disrepair. In 2012 the UN granted the site "endangered World Heritage status", and are funding an urgent restoration by top Italian specialists. A scan of one heavily plastered wall revealed a mystery shape hidden underneath. The restoration crew, chipping away the centuries of layers of plaster, grew emotional as the pristine angel emerged.

The church's other mosaics, which were not hidden, and therefore damaged by a leaky roof, depict the family and apostles of Jesus. The ancient tiles boast of glass, mother-of-pearl, gold leaf and stones.

The opinion seems to be that the purpose of the plaster was to preserve the angel. Odd that they would choose to preserve only that mosaic and not the others. One estimated that only around 20% of the original mosaics remain and only pieces of the 4th century mosaic floor remains, under a false floor and only visible through a small opening. 

Jees, just walk on it

The angel itself seems a little strange. Is it me,or is it slightly androgynous? I'm unsure if all angels of the time were depicted this way, but this one seems to be. The wing seems broken, or is it perhaps supposed to resemble a meteor, a space craft, or a bomb? 

Possible interpretation

The hand gesture and the look on its face remind me of the five thousandth time I tried to explain something to my kids. 

I just don't know how else to say it

And what the heck is this candy cane shaped white thing behind its head? 

Captain Hook?

Seriously, what the heck is that supposed to be?


And what's the broken arch to the right of the mosaic? That's not there by mistake. It looks as though someone destroyed part of the image, replaced it with a window, just to make absolutely sure that no one could find it, and then concealed the angel, leaving just a taunting little arch fragment to tease us. I wonder what it could have been? 

Mosaic FAIL

I'm curious to see what else this restoration project reveals. And if the Ancient Aliens guys have heard about this yet?

@AncientAliens Do a show on this?
How about for a scooby snack?

What do you think?
Comment and let us all know!
And subscribe to my blog, because you like me, and it's a nice thing to do. =)

Thank you, National Geographic, for the article and photos of this amazing find! 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Not the Girl I Used to Be

I used to be a believer in love. That sappy, exciting, in-love love between a man and a woman, the love every woman secretly pines for, no matter how level headed she seems. The fairy tale love that sparks jealousy in your enemies and friends alike. The Cinderella shit.

I believed being in love would be like those stories. That my Prince Charming would bravely and tirelessly defend our magical love from all who meant to undo us and I would swoon, then sweep the floor with help of talking birds and mice. We'd marry and I'd be Mrs. Charming and birth a couple little Charmings and live happily ever after in my shiny white castle.

Then I grew up.

A girl has to get her heart broken a few times before she learns that fairy tales don't exist and love isn't what she wanted it to be. No castle, no prince, no magic.

Don't get me wrong, there was no lack of suitors. I turned down two marriage proposals before my seventeenth birthday and accepted a third, but never followed through on it. Same as the three after that. Accepted, never happened for one reason or another.

They asked for the wrong reasons. I wasn't going to settle for less than happily ever after, and nobody was offering that. I always told myself I'd only walk down that aisle one time, and I wasn't about to waste that on someone who wasn't worthy or didn't have the same intentions as I did.

I always thought marriage was more than a piece of paper and jewelry. It's a promise. A status. The next and final step in a relationship. It's the foundation on which a family is built. Without it, a relationship is nothing more than a fling, a temporary situation with no structure or commitment. It's just "Hey, let's hang out together for an extended while".

Marriage means to me that you love me enough to wanna do this for the rest of your life, period. Nobody else, no getting bored, just us. But guys aren't up for that anymore. There's too many other possibilities out there to want to be tied to one chick.

But on the same note; a guy will expect a girl to be totally his. He'll get mad at her if another dude hits on her, but he refuses to change her name and put a ring on her finger to deter said other dudes. Like, you're not giving me much to go on here.

Guys will hit on me. That's just how you men are. And when I say "No thanks, I've got a boyfriend", a dude will say, "SO? You ain't married, so you're still fair game". It takes twice the effort on my part to reject a guy with the "boyfriend" status. And seriously; I'm too old for a BOYfriend. I should be a WIFE at this stage in my life, not a girlfriend!

But men these days don't need a piece of paper to prove their love... It costs too much... Bullshit. A marriage license costs $40 in the state of New York. You're telling me I'm not worth forty fucking dollars?! But you can blow that much money on booze in one sitting. I am officially worth less to you than booze. (Or whatever you're blowing your money on) -Thanks.

It was a tough pill to swallow, I'm still getting over it. Still grieving for the white shiny castle. But at least I know where I stand. I have a friend who I love very much, and we might hang out for a few more years together, who knows. He's keeping me company for now, that's all I need to know.

I used to be so naive. So full of hope for my future. I'm glad that girl is gone. She was too easily broken. Now I can be told right to my face that I'm unworthy and unloved and I'll still smile. I don't need it. I love me, I don't need anyone else to. Life is better that way. I no longer have to depend on someone else to love me, I can do it my damn self!

Moral of the story: love yourself, just in case nobody else wants to. <3 anyway="" better="" br="" can="" do="" it="" you="">

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Stoned Mom

The subject of marijuana use is increasingly less taboo in recent years. The truth about the plant is finally being heard as science works diligently to set it free of its legal and social binds. Weed is finally hitting the headlines instead of just the police blotters and public opinion is beginning to sway toward acceptance of the peaceful plant and its many uses.

Some states have given the plant the green light for medicinal purposes and a handful have okayed it for recreational use too. A few years ago I never thought I'd see it legalized in my life time, let alone sold in legitimate shops behind shiny glass cases.

However, despite all the science that has proven all the wonderful benefits of marijuana to be true and disproved ALL negative myths, using it while pregnant remains a big no-no. Studies of women using marijuana during pregnancy are defunded when its discovered there's no bad news to report. It's a little comical, considering cannabis has been used by pretty much everyone since the beginning of time until the 1970's and yet here's the human race, still thriving and shit.

One pot smoking mother shares her experiences with pregnancy...

My first pregnancy was completely clean. No smoke, no booze, no cigs, no drugs, no hot dogs, no stretching, no horses, etc etc. I behaved the entire 38.5 weeks I carried my son, not a single substance a pregnant woman isn't supposed to use, and it was torture! But all so worth it for a healthy baby, I thought. That was well over a decade ago, back when weed was definitely a horrible drug that would send a good girl spiraling into addiction and despair.
For the majority of my first and second trimesters I felt too nauseous to leave my bed. I'd get up, put on pants, have to lie back down. Get up, puke, lie back down. Migraines were more frequent and I became deeply depressed.
My third trimester was Hell on Earth. The nausea finally subsided but the pain was unbearable. I carried all my babies heavily on my spine. I was weak and unhealthy. Eating less and gaining weight. Handicapped by crippling pains from my midsection, down. I'd walk ten steps then get light headed and have to stop. Take another ten steps and my heart raced and in another five, my vision temporarily went out. Dizzy and completely blind, I'd stumble, round and heavy, to the floor to catch my senses.
Labor was long, but went okay. My son seemed healthy enough. All the major things turned out right; ten fingers, ten toes, one head. No life threatening illnesses or genetic defects. Success! But before he was a year old I was holding him down a couple times a day to administer breathing treatments. Years down the road he was diagnosed with asthma, then severe allergies. He struggled with learning to read and showed signs of behavioral issues at school.
But wait! I behaved!!
My second pregnancy was worse than the first one. I was fifty pounds heavier, to start with, and the same old problems resurfaced, one by one. I gave in to my extreme discomfort and smoked some weed to ease the sickness and pain. Not every day, but as often as I could afford to indulge. I did put on a lot of weight, but the pregnancy went a little smoother than the first.
My daughter was healthy as a horse. She's never been hospitalized, rarely catches cold, has never had the flu or anything worse than a cold, actually. Her eyes itch with the change in seasons, just like mine do, and she's lactose intolerant like I am, but all-in-all, she's in perfect health. She excels at school, learned to read by the end of kindergarten, and hit every single milestone months ahead of her peers.
My third pregnancy was the easiest by far. I smoked marijuana every day. No depression, nausea in check, only a handful of black-outs and my weight was under control. My back still ached, but you can't win at everything. My youngest may be a physicist some day. Speaking in full sentences before she was two and a half, has a better memory than I do and aside from inherited asthma from her father, healthy and strong.
But wait, I misbehaved!!

There are stories like this one everywhere. How many people have said their kid was defective because they smoked too much weed? Probably not many. And I highly doubt the validity of those that do.

Have a look at this,

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

7 Signs of a Cheater

The internet has opened up all kinds of devious possibilities. You can shop online, work online, break the law online, find love online, you can even cheat on your girlfriend online. With cell phones and the internet and cell phones with internet, keeping in touch with people is easier than ever and apparently it's just too easy to resist reaching out and touching someone, digitally.

There's dozens of apps out there for finding and contacting folks. And they all offer options like delete selected messages or hide browsing history. They have passwords to deter nosey girlfriends from snooping. Nobody has to use their own name or face. How convenient it all is!

You've got your Facebook connected to your Messenger, and your Messenger connected to your iPhone and your iPhone connected to your watch, and you're connected, constantly.

A guy could have eight girlfriends and twenty five side bitches, all without his wife ever knowing about it.

He could, but here's a couple things that should tip you off, if he is. 'Cuz nobody wants to be the fool who finds out last.

1.  You never see his cell phone

You know for a fact he has one, it exists for sure, but you never actually see the thing in person. You have no clue who's in his contacts list, no idea what apps he has installed. Hell, he could have your number saved under "Stanky Sea Creature" for all you know. He's real careful that you'll never find out.

If it's in his hand, he's careful to turn it to such an angle that there's no possible way you can read over his shoulder. And when it's not in his hand, it's tucked away safe in his pocket. He sleeps with it under his pillow, he takes it with him when he showers. That thing is never left unattended. If you try to touch it, he acts sketchy.

He no doubt uses the delete message function, but there's always a possibility his side bitches are going to message him and he doesn't want you to be the one to answer.

2. He doesn't do pics

Some people are ugly enough to warrant some understanding that they don't want their picture exposed to the possibility of becoming a hilarious meme passed around the World Wide Web for eternity.  But when he's a 9/10 and not Amish or afraid a camera will steal his soul, and still extremely camera shy, there may be another reason.

He may be okay with doing selfies but if you manage to snap a pic of him and his face is def identifiable, and you want to put that on Facebook and Instagram under the title "my man", there's a problem. He has to appear available, don't ya know. You're cock blocking his Facebook game, bitch.

3. No tags allowed

Ever try to tag him in something only for the tag to disappear? That would show up on his page and blow his cover, dude, and that's a no-no when you're an online playa.

4. Hidden relationship

Check out his "About" section. Are you mentioned on there at all? Is he even "in a relationship"? Is there anything listed there at all or is the whole thing hidden? Anything less than "in a relationship" with your name after it listed on there and one of those red flags should be popping out of the page right now and slapping you in your face.

5. Your phone is his phone

He's super secretive about his phone but he'll take any opportunity to snag yours and check out who you've been talking to. If your phone lights up, he'll be the first to lean over and see who's texting you, just to make sure you're not as scuzzy as he is. 

6. Marriage is not a goal

Maybe it was at some point in your relationship, maybe it's nothing you're interested in either. But if you've invested years in this guy and you're still waiting on a ring or even the subject to come up just once, it could be another red flag.

'Cuz cheating on a girlfriend isn't as morally horrible as cheating on a wife. And if he's got some skanks on the side he's obviously not interested in being tied to you in any legally binding way. Monogamy is for chumps anyway.

7. He suggests you're the unfaithful

A big fat clue that your guy isn't entirely yours can come from his very own mouth and he doesn't even realize it.  If he has something to say every time you wear makeup or put any effort into looking attractive, beware. 

If he's suggesting you're cheating, or attempting to cheat, it's because in his mind that's just what people do, because that's what he does. The game is trying to catch you at it. Because then he of course knew all along that you were the hoe and therefore he is totally justified in doing it too and more importantly, off the hook. 

Honest and loyal are an extremely rare find these days. If you've got it; don't fuck up. You won't get so lucky twice. The odds are stacked high against us poor idiots cursed with a conscience. 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Pushers (used to) Get Pushed

The bully epidemic of recent years is being handled so poorly it makes me wish stupidity was a crime. Misdemeanor at the very least.

I was watching a Stephen King movie, "Storm of the Century", one day and a line in a scene early in the movie really screams -this movie was made in the 1990's. The way the world works now is very different, you'd never see a scene like this in real life past 1999.

It went like this; a little boy pushed another kid, and the adult grabs hold of the little brat, looks him in the eye and tells him don't push people because "pushers get pushed back," and you wouldn't like that, would you?

That's the difference. Back then we weren't afraid to push back.

Seems to me like society is demonizing the pusher and victimizing the pushed and taking these roles way too far. When you're talking about kids, that's really horrifying!

Schools boast zero tolerance on bullies, throwing kids out of school over simple altercations, even filing criminal charges, against kids. A bully is still a kid! Why is nobody offering these kids some counseling?  A happy, well cared for child doesn't go to school and mistreat their peers.

If a child is being abused at home then goes to school and pushes other kids, most likely not knowing it's unacceptable because their life at home is violent, they don't know any different. And if the police are involved, what happens to this kid? Their outlook on life changes, they're a criminal now.
Forget an education, son, it's more important that you're locked away so those "good" kids can get the education they deserve.

And so much WORSE, is how we treat the kid who got pushed. You're coddling the kid now, but who will take care of the mess of an adult you've created after school is over? A kid needs to know how to take care of themselves!!! THAT is your job as a parent, to teach this tiny person you made how to survive in this life.

If you always feed him fish, he will starve when you can no longer do the fishing. But if you teach him to fish, he can feed you both when you are too old to fish. A child is a blank canvas. They only learn what you teach them.

You poor darling little victim, please, please don't kill yourself because you had a bad day.

My son was bullied for years. One day on the playground a kid walked up and kicked my baby boy right in the eye, for digging in the sand. I, of course, was feeling murderous. The school promised to separate the two. But they didn't. The little monster was not switched to another class, was not moved to the other side of the playground, or the lunch table. The only action the school took was sending both my son and his bully home for the remainder of that day. Zero tolerance, my ass.

I told my son the same I tell all of my kids; don't ever start a fight, but if someone else does, you better finish it. Mama's always got your back, my boy.

Stop victimizing your kids, people. It's not okay to be mean, but it's not okay to accept others being mean to you either. It's sickening that so many kids are taking their lives so young these days. To think they really have nothing important enough in their lives to keep them out of that dark place in their minds. Don't teach your kids to be weak!

My suggestion for both bullies and bullied is find them a hobby. Something they enjoy, that will engage their minds and satisfy their human need for social interaction. Something they can take pride in, make friends with similar interests, and make them feel they are a part of something. Be it sports, art, music, anything to occupy the time they may otherwise use trolling the internet or cutting their wrists for lack of better things to do with their day.

And for fuck sake, tell your kids to stop taking everything so damn personally. Not everybody is going to like you, not everyone will want to be your friend, and that's okay! Teach your kids they don't NEED the approval of absolutely everyone they meet. A few good friends is all a person needs. Quality over quantity!

Don't turn them into attention seeking little snots who can't handle criticism. (Think about an adult with this quality, because someday your kid will be one). Show them that yes, words can hurt, but only if you let them! And there's a big difference between hearing unkind words from a loved one and from someone whose opinion just shouldn't matter to you.

So what if you don't like me? I don't need you to,
and frankly, I don't like you either.
 We weren't built to get along with everyone. Some personalities just clash, no matter what kind of effort you put into getting along, it's never going to work. And that's okay!

No reason to make a big deal of it.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Malone man's crazy opinion on welfare

I just found this opinion piece published on a local news site that made me shake my head. "Put me in charge of welfare", says Malone man. Already I'm chuckling because Malone is like the Detroit of Upstate New York. Main street is dotted with rows of dark, abandoned shops. Many locals travel on foot for lack of faster transportation and jobs are scarce down town.

Detroit Suburb
Most of these buildings on Main St are empty

More folks in prison than in church

Thank heavens we have a man with all the answers though! John Crump of Malone urges the Editor of North Country Now to appoint him the king of welfare.

Friday, April 1, 2016 - 6:22 am 
To the Editor:
Put me in charge of food stamps.
First thing I'd do is get rid of SNAP cards. No cash for Ding Dongs, Ho Ho's or snickety snacks of any kind. Just vouchers for 50-pound bags of rice or beans, blocks of cheese and all the powdered milk you could haul away.
If you want steak and pizza, then get a job.
 Well there's your first mistake, Crump. I don't believe the editor of the local rag has that power.

Bravo on the well planned food rations. A person can't survive forever on government issue bulk processed cheese flavored food dried beans and powdered milk. That's just begging for a weekly trip to the doctor. But the poor will probably die off pretty quickly on this diet anyway, so .

But Crump goes on...
Put me in charge of Medicaid.
The first thing I'd do is to get women Norplant birth control implants or tubal legations. Then test all the recipients in the family for drugs, alcohol, and nicotine.
If you want to reproduce, use drugs, swill alcohol, or smoke then get a job.
 Oh how perfect; he's got the medicaid angle covered too. So when Crump is king of welfare the poor will all be sterilized by force and sober as a priest. The confusing part of his rules is that the majority of those on welfare do have jobs, often more than one. Employers just don't pay enough to survive on.

Most employers around here will hire their entire staff as part time to avoid paying for insurance and pay minimum wage, cutting hours as low as four hours a week. So those with jobs often can't afford medical insurance either let alone pizza and steak.

Crump goes on;
You will either present a check stub from a job each week or you will report to a government job. This job may be cleaning the roadways of trash, painting and repairing public housing, working on a farm to provide food for welfare recipients or whatever else we find for you.

Welfare recipients already have to do mandatory volunteer work or similar activities like skills training. They volunteer at the local food pantries or clean public buildings.

He also wants to sell off the poor's posessions. Apparently all us poor folks own fancy tires and loud stereos. Well, we do have a loud stereo, but I'll tell you what, Crump, that stereo was a gift (and about 30 years old) and the speakers were mostly salvaged from scrap yards. Go ahead and try to sell it, and enjoy your hard earned $5.

Crump wants to punish the poor for their terrible life mistakes and try to teach them a concentration camp style lesson. Work hard for your slave rations or starve.

His last two points really concern me. "...while you are on government assistance, you cannot receive an income tax return."

Um, excuse me? If I worked within the last fiscal year you bet your ass I'm claiming my return. Like I said, the majority of welfare recipients actually HAVE A JOB. And with all the lay-offs, a lot of people recently had jobs.

And his final royal decree being that while receiving government assistance you, American citizen, voluntarily renounce your right to vote.
"Yes, that is correct. For you to vote would be a conflict of interest."
Oh, wow.

However, nowhere in his letter has Mr. Crump shared his qualifications for the job of being in charge of welfare.

Gotta love people who believe every meme they find on Facebook. LOL

Monday, April 4, 2016

Marijuana Activists Toke up at White House

A group of activists gathered outside the White House Saturday afternoon. Armed with lighters and bongs and sweet ganja, they packed their pipes, rolled their doobies, and sparked up in protest of Obama's slack-offery on ending the prohibition of marijuana. (See here for story).

Angry pot heads march on Washington D.C.

Protesters want President Obama to reclassify marijuana, to which Obama responds; go ask congress. Protesters response: we're going to get baked in your front yard. na-na-na-boo-boo. (Not a verbatim quote)

The event, dubbed #Reschedule4/20, was aimed at pushing President Obama and Congress to reclassify marijuana by proving that using it is not dangerous. Organized by D.C. Cannabis Campaign (DCMJ), using a group on Facebook, invited folks to show up and spark up in unison at 4:20 pm on April 2nd. On their Facebook page the group challenges Presidential candidates as well as our current commander in chief to step up and do away with the failed prohibition on a federal level.

Legalizing cannabis has been a hot topic in recent years as science has been repeatedly proving the plant's usefulness in medicine and disproving fears of addiction, insanity and lawlessness stemming from the Reefer Madness smear campaign of the 1930's.

A little dramatic, don't ya think?

As of February last year it is lawful to possess up to two ounces of weed in our nation's capitol, but it's still illegal to smoke it in public. The local police were there, catching a free buzz, but no arrests were made. Although present, police "were very respectful," says protest organizer Adam Eidinger. However, the secret service put out their giant inflatable joint idea due to security concerns. (Bummer, man).

But will it work? One concern is the affect a park full of stoners emitting a hot cloud of smoky happiness will have on the sober folks walking by, sober folks who may vote against the cause after catching an unsolicited contact high.

Tom Angell, founder of Marijuana Majority, another marijuana advocacy group, feels filling the park with marijuana smoke sends the wrong message to voters. “Smoking in a public park where families and children are vacationing is not going to be the way to encourage the president or member of Congress to do what we need them to do,” said Angell. 

 If the road to change is paved with paperwork, perhaps these well-meaning activists just rolled up their reputation and smoked it. On the other hand though, maybe a few of those men with the pens caught a whiff of it in the air that day. And maybe they relaxed just a little and enjoyed it.

#GetInOnThis - Look up your local representative and give them a call. They will listen and every voice counts.

How To Contact Your Elected Officials Searchable and easy to use. Can search by issue, keyword, name, zip code, branch.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Aussie Eats - sausage rolls

If you've ever traveled to another country, you'll know how I felt when I first got to Australia years ago and looked in my Mom's fridge for a snack and didn't recognize a damn thing as food. The packaging was all different. I really took for granted that all the food in my fridge back home were things I've grown up with and recognize at a glance.

I don't know what I expected, really, but everything in my mom's fridge was so weird. I had to actually read the labels of everything to figure out what it was I was looking for. Like, is this butter? What's a TimTam? Where's the peanut butter? You don't have kool-aid? wtf is cordial? Vegemite? Why would anyone eat this? Never mind, I'll just live off this amazing chocolate that doesn't melt.

Of course Mom thought it was all too hilarious, giggle-snorting at me as I struggle to figure out how to flush the toilet. (A button for number 1, another button for number 2).

I got used to the foreign food eventually. Some of it I really liked. Aussie chocolate is like a candy orgasm. My family sends me some for Christmas sometimes. The meat there is so much better than here. It's fresh, no fillers or bullshit. I recommend if you have the option in your area, buy straight from your local butcher. The difference will amaze you.

One of my favorite aussie foods is sausage rolls. So I found a recipe online a couple years ago, converted it to American, dropped the undesirables (carrots, yuck!) , changed some stuff a little and hocus pocus, perfect sausage rolls at home.

Everybody loves them, so try them yourself before you share haha
I like them with mustard :)

I borrowed this pic from Google.
I don't cut mine before I cook.
 Makes a mess.
Sausage Rolls


1-2 lb sweet sausage mince (or country style. hot not recommended)
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1/2 onion, finely chopped
1 carrot, peeled and shredded (Optional. Yuck)
2 eggs
1 cup bread crumbs
 2 TBS barbecue sauce
 4 cans crescent rolls (the pop-open tube can kind)


-Mix all but the crescent rolls together in a large bowl. 
-Open up the crescent rolls and tear them apart into rectangles. You can do triangles if you prefer, just roll the meat inside the crescent and pinch the ends shut to make a little sausage roll ball. Bakes the same either way.
-Gently pinch together the triangle perforations that you didn't separate to make the rectangles whole, for the most part. 
-Roll the meat mixture into your crescent rolls, lengthwise. 
-Gently pinch the edges shut. It's ok if a little meat is exposed, it won't hurt anything, just shut them enough to keep the things together. 
-Place on a baking sheet, about 1-2" apart. If not a shiny new pan, grease lightly.


At 350F for 30 minutes, or until browned. 


Hot, with ketchup or mustard for dipping. Can be cut into squares for the kids, the center will be hot. Make some potato wedges and gravy to go with them. 


left overs in the fridge in an air tight container up to a week. To reheat place on a microwave safe plate and heat on high for at least 25 seconds on each side.     

There's my sausage rolls. One of my family's favorite meals! Save this recipe and subscribe for more. =)

Happy Birthday Nanna and Rian <3 amp="" back.="" both="" end="" i="" infinti="" love="" of="" p="" the="" to="" you="">

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Who is God?

One of the biggest questions there is; who is God? I don't know about you, but I could have a conversation that lasts for weeks on those three words alone. Nat Geo asked this question of people from all over the world in their new show The Story of God. Hosted by everyone's favorite Hollywood version of God; Morgan Freeman.

 I can't wait!

I think "God" is, more than anything else, an idea. It's motivation to do the right thing, hope when you're feeling weak, strength when times are hard, grace when life is good, humility when you get out of check. God, whether you believe in one or not, is a necessity for humans. The notion of a divine creator has shown up in every culture since the beginning of humanity.

The mystery of God and creation and why we are here keeps us humble. If we thought we had everything figured out imagine how chaotic the world would be. (We're getting to that point quickly. Look at how much has been replaced by technology already). I think some mystery in life reminds us that there are things bigger and badder than we are that can just never be explained.

I'm not exactly religious, myself. I'm not an atheist either. My beliefs are more like theories. I've got a hybrid jumble of ideas in my brain about where we came from, why we're here, where we're going, what matters and what doesn't. I pretty much just pick out ideas I think make sense and say, "Yeah, that could happen". 

Ghosts for instance. Maybe it is just my complex human brain playing tricks on me, and my boyfriend, and my friends when they visit and the cat and the dog and the kids... maybe not. I believe it's ghosts. 

Things like de'ja vous and past life memories can be explained by my theory that the sequence of everything is repeated over and over for eternity. Also black holes and big bangs. See, I figure if the universe was created by this big bang, all the matter in the whole universe squashed into a tiny speck until the pressure of it all can't hold it in anymore then BAM! All matter that ever existed, all energy of every kind, explodes all over the universe.

And a black hole is just the opposite of the "Bam", all that energy and matter sucked in and squeezed into a space the size of a marble. It makes sense to me that the two phenomena go together. Folding in on itself and exploding again over and over for the rest of forever. In a universe full of strange things, it seems too far fetched to call it coincidence that black holes and big bangs involve stuff being sucked into and exploding from a tiny space.

So eventually all that is, will be sucked into one big black hole and squashed so tight it eventually explodes back out again. And again and again. The universe is just an extremely slowly moving thing, a giant Mobius loop, endlessly swallowing and regurgitating itself in ripples of time. 

I believe a soul is a tangible thing. Like trees, rocks, people. It's real. It's energy. Even if you burn a tree, it's matter still exists, just now it's charcoal and ash. A soul may not stay in your body when it dies but it has to go somewhere. These things won't disappear in the black hole, they will still be there, even when the next big bang vomits everything back out those souls have to go somewhere. They can't just disappear. 

Maybe everything will happen in the same way it did before. Like the entire universe is basically reduced to binary, everything either is or it isn't, and it will keep running those same "codes" each time it cycles through. So maybe I vaguely remember meeting someone somewhere before because I have, so long ago that time becomes meaningless. I've done all of this before. Maybe that's how the fortune teller sees your future in your palm, she has some vague memory of the previous cycle. 

Reincarnation fascinates me too. I'd love to meet the Dalai Lama, before and after he dies and comes back. What I wouldn't give to sit in on the selection process on the new one. It's a very curious notion, that a soul could pop in and out of a body as it pleases. 

So who is God if all this crazy stuff is true? Everything. That's my answer. There is a living spirit in everything. The universe itself is a moving, changing, living thing. I just plain don't buy the Catholic story I grew up with of some great big guy floating in the clouds who gets lonely and decides to clap his hands and up springs the Earth and all the little fluffy creatures on it. It makes zero sense to me. 

I believe science and spirituality are in harmony with each other. Just because one is right doesn't mean the other is wrong. A monkey with a soul can still evolve into a man. 

What are your thoughts? Who is YOUR God?
Comment below! I absolutely love hearing others beliefs or theories. Don't be shy. What could possibly be crazier than Scientology? And that's a thing, so...