Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Stoned Mom

The subject of marijuana use is increasingly less taboo in recent years. The truth about the plant is finally being heard as science works diligently to set it free of its legal and social binds. Weed is finally hitting the headlines instead of just the police blotters and public opinion is beginning to sway toward acceptance of the peaceful plant and its many uses.

Some states have given the plant the green light for medicinal purposes and a handful have okayed it for recreational use too. A few years ago I never thought I'd see it legalized in my life time, let alone sold in legitimate shops behind shiny glass cases.

However, despite all the science that has proven all the wonderful benefits of marijuana to be true and disproved ALL negative myths, using it while pregnant remains a big no-no. Studies of women using marijuana during pregnancy are defunded when its discovered there's no bad news to report. It's a little comical, considering cannabis has been used by pretty much everyone since the beginning of time until the 1970's and yet here's the human race, still thriving and shit.

One pot smoking mother shares her experiences with pregnancy...

My first pregnancy was completely clean. No smoke, no booze, no cigs, no drugs, no hot dogs, no stretching, no horses, etc etc. I behaved the entire 38.5 weeks I carried my son, not a single substance a pregnant woman isn't supposed to use, and it was torture! But all so worth it for a healthy baby, I thought. That was well over a decade ago, back when weed was definitely a horrible drug that would send a good girl spiraling into addiction and despair.
For the majority of my first and second trimesters I felt too nauseous to leave my bed. I'd get up, put on pants, have to lie back down. Get up, puke, lie back down. Migraines were more frequent and I became deeply depressed.
My third trimester was Hell on Earth. The nausea finally subsided but the pain was unbearable. I carried all my babies heavily on my spine. I was weak and unhealthy. Eating less and gaining weight. Handicapped by crippling pains from my midsection, down. I'd walk ten steps then get light headed and have to stop. Take another ten steps and my heart raced and in another five, my vision temporarily went out. Dizzy and completely blind, I'd stumble, round and heavy, to the floor to catch my senses.
Labor was long, but went okay. My son seemed healthy enough. All the major things turned out right; ten fingers, ten toes, one head. No life threatening illnesses or genetic defects. Success! But before he was a year old I was holding him down a couple times a day to administer breathing treatments. Years down the road he was diagnosed with asthma, then severe allergies. He struggled with learning to read and showed signs of behavioral issues at school.
But wait! I behaved!!
My second pregnancy was worse than the first one. I was fifty pounds heavier, to start with, and the same old problems resurfaced, one by one. I gave in to my extreme discomfort and smoked some weed to ease the sickness and pain. Not every day, but as often as I could afford to indulge. I did put on a lot of weight, but the pregnancy went a little smoother than the first.
My daughter was healthy as a horse. She's never been hospitalized, rarely catches cold, has never had the flu or anything worse than a cold, actually. Her eyes itch with the change in seasons, just like mine do, and she's lactose intolerant like I am, but all-in-all, she's in perfect health. She excels at school, learned to read by the end of kindergarten, and hit every single milestone months ahead of her peers.
My third pregnancy was the easiest by far. I smoked marijuana every day. No depression, nausea in check, only a handful of black-outs and my weight was under control. My back still ached, but you can't win at everything. My youngest may be a physicist some day. Speaking in full sentences before she was two and a half, has a better memory than I do and aside from inherited asthma from her father, healthy and strong.
But wait, I misbehaved!!

There are stories like this one everywhere. How many people have said their kid was defective because they smoked too much weed? Probably not many. And I highly doubt the validity of those that do.

Have a look at this, http://www.november.org/stayinfo/breaking06/DreherStudy.html

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