Tuesday, April 12, 2016

7 Signs of a Cheater

The internet has opened up all kinds of devious possibilities. You can shop online, work online, break the law online, find love online, you can even cheat on your girlfriend online. With cell phones and the internet and cell phones with internet, keeping in touch with people is easier than ever and apparently it's just too easy to resist reaching out and touching someone, digitally.

There's dozens of apps out there for finding and contacting folks. And they all offer options like delete selected messages or hide browsing history. They have passwords to deter nosey girlfriends from snooping. Nobody has to use their own name or face. How convenient it all is!

You've got your Facebook connected to your Messenger, and your Messenger connected to your iPhone and your iPhone connected to your watch, and you're connected, constantly.

A guy could have eight girlfriends and twenty five side bitches, all without his wife ever knowing about it.

He could, but here's a couple things that should tip you off, if he is. 'Cuz nobody wants to be the fool who finds out last.

1.  You never see his cell phone

You know for a fact he has one, it exists for sure, but you never actually see the thing in person. You have no clue who's in his contacts list, no idea what apps he has installed. Hell, he could have your number saved under "Stanky Sea Creature" for all you know. He's real careful that you'll never find out.

If it's in his hand, he's careful to turn it to such an angle that there's no possible way you can read over his shoulder. And when it's not in his hand, it's tucked away safe in his pocket. He sleeps with it under his pillow, he takes it with him when he showers. That thing is never left unattended. If you try to touch it, he acts sketchy.

He no doubt uses the delete message function, but there's always a possibility his side bitches are going to message him and he doesn't want you to be the one to answer.

2. He doesn't do pics

Some people are ugly enough to warrant some understanding that they don't want their picture exposed to the possibility of becoming a hilarious meme passed around the World Wide Web for eternity.  But when he's a 9/10 and not Amish or afraid a camera will steal his soul, and still extremely camera shy, there may be another reason.

He may be okay with doing selfies but if you manage to snap a pic of him and his face is def identifiable, and you want to put that on Facebook and Instagram under the title "my man", there's a problem. He has to appear available, don't ya know. You're cock blocking his Facebook game, bitch.

3. No tags allowed

Ever try to tag him in something only for the tag to disappear? That would show up on his page and blow his cover, dude, and that's a no-no when you're an online playa.

4. Hidden relationship

Check out his "About" section. Are you mentioned on there at all? Is he even "in a relationship"? Is there anything listed there at all or is the whole thing hidden? Anything less than "in a relationship" with your name after it listed on there and one of those red flags should be popping out of the page right now and slapping you in your face.

5. Your phone is his phone

He's super secretive about his phone but he'll take any opportunity to snag yours and check out who you've been talking to. If your phone lights up, he'll be the first to lean over and see who's texting you, just to make sure you're not as scuzzy as he is. 

6. Marriage is not a goal

Maybe it was at some point in your relationship, maybe it's nothing you're interested in either. But if you've invested years in this guy and you're still waiting on a ring or even the subject to come up just once, it could be another red flag.

'Cuz cheating on a girlfriend isn't as morally horrible as cheating on a wife. And if he's got some skanks on the side he's obviously not interested in being tied to you in any legally binding way. Monogamy is for chumps anyway.

7. He suggests you're the unfaithful

A big fat clue that your guy isn't entirely yours can come from his very own mouth and he doesn't even realize it.  If he has something to say every time you wear makeup or put any effort into looking attractive, beware. 

If he's suggesting you're cheating, or attempting to cheat, it's because in his mind that's just what people do, because that's what he does. The game is trying to catch you at it. Because then he of course knew all along that you were the hoe and therefore he is totally justified in doing it too and more importantly, off the hook. 

Honest and loyal are an extremely rare find these days. If you've got it; don't fuck up. You won't get so lucky twice. The odds are stacked high against us poor idiots cursed with a conscience. 

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