Saturday, June 25, 2016

BPgAy - How to control population the sneaky way

So I came across this video today...

And poked around, did some reading for myself.

Looks like BPA (that chemical found in plastics and many other products) is altering our hormones, (Specifically; sex hormones), among other things. This study has shown female rats exposed to BPA (in any amount) permanently affected their reproductive hormones. The exposed rats experienced early puberty and abnormal ovulation. Humans are similarly affected.

More studies have linked BPA exposure to diabetes, miscarriages, cancers, altered behavior such as hyperactivity, decrease in maternal behavior, downs syndrome, and the list continues.

This study claims to have found a disturbing change in the brains of the rats exposed to BPA;
   "an area in the hypothalamus called the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (SDN-POA), which plays a role in regulating sexual behavior and has been proposed, in humans, to be important for determining sexual orientation."

Did you catch that last part? BPA affects the part of the brain that determines sexual orientation. They also studied the behavior of the affected rats and found that the gender differences were reversed, in both the females and the males. In essence; BPA made these rats gay. (Science fiction stuff, right? Nope. Just science).

And the US government is about the last place on Earth that hasn't banned it yet.

That shouldn't surprise me I guess. It's no secret that the world is nearing over population to the point that Earth can no longer sustain us. (Did you think they are so interested in Mars because it's pretty?) National Geographic magazine dedicated a whole year of articles to food and how we plan to grow enough of it to feed the growing population.

So it would make sense that our government might want to encourage a decrease in births. To, you know, keep us citizens at manageable numbers. The least invasive way to do that is turn mens' eyes to one another instead of toward women with fertile wombs, and vice-versa.

I started to notice years ago that homosexuality seemed to be on the rise. Don't get me wrong, that's not a judgement, only an observation. I suspected it had something to do with our growing population but I never thought the phenomenon was deliberate. (I mean, that's really weird, right?)

I'm not really sure how to feel about the government actively making us gay. (Or at the very least allowing it). Like; wasn't it my right to be attracted to the opposite sex? Does it matter in the long run, as long as love still exists?
Maybe something similar to this happened in Sodom and Gomorrah?

Kinda makes China's one baby rule look sort of fair, huh? At least they were in on it.


Thanks, L. for the conversation. Stimulating, as always.

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