Thursday, June 9, 2016

Confession - I deleted everyone I know

I recently deleted ALL of my friends from Facebook.
And it's wonderful.

Fucking glorious, in fact.

Facebook is how the younger millennials live their lives. Every freaking thing they do is immediately posted to Facebook (and Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, etc). They say nothing is official until it's posted to Facebook. It's awful.

Social media has become this ever present, looming, invasive entity and has taken over modern life. It demands to know "what's on your mind?" every time you open it. It's built into your iPhone, your laptop rolled off the assembly line with it pre-installed. Traditional media is even taking things said on Facebook seriously now, sharing posts and comments on actual news on real television.

Join Us Or.. 

It seems nearly every person on the planet who is old enough to read and write has a Facebook account. Every company has a Facebook. Open up your pantry, pull out any name brand product in there. Go on, try the Lucky Charms. Now look on the back of the box, or maybe the bottom of the front panel. See the little blue "f" there? Yup, you can "connect" with your cereal on Facebook. Because just eating it is never enough (anymore).

As Seen On Everything

It's how we communicate, how we share experiences, how we find each other, how we entertain ourselves. How we argue has even moved over to Facebook. I can't remember the last time I argued using actual words, spoken to an actual face. (Oh yeah, it was 25 minutes ago. My two year old is definitely not having candy for breakfast again though).

So after a particular argument, over something as stupid as a stranger "liking" a picture, I deleted my entire friends list except for seven people. I kept my immediate family; the ones I actually like and talk to often, my boyfriend, and a friend who passed away a few years ago. It was a massive purge of crap that I don't need in my life.

It was never personal. I still like the people I deleted, I just don't feel I need to keep up-to-date on what they ate for dinner last night or that their kid just turned 2 months and 4 days old, or who's bored, depressed, mysteriously angry at unnamed, ya know, the useless info that (I feel) should really be shared in person within your close circle, not necessarily with everyone you know.

Of course, they didn't see it that way. It most definitely had to be personal. Deleting a friend from Facebook means you are no longer friends with that person in real life. 'Cuz, who just deletes people for no reason? Who does that?!

Me. Only me.

Conclusions are the worst thing to jump to

Damage control from purging my friends list has been a nightmare. I've had to explain over and over again that it was not personal, that everyone got deleted, not just you, and that we are in fact still actual friends, just not on Facebook. I've had to re-friend a few people who were honestly hurt deep down by my action, and no amount of explaining could ever convince them that Facebook doesn't have to be a direct reflection of me or my life. Facebook IS life.

The general opinion that Facebook has taken over as real life is depressing, and some people are still sore that I deleted them (forever from my life, if you ask them), but honestly; I'm glad I did it. When did we become so dependent on social media? This new way of life is so lonely and boring. I miss the days when I could go visit my friends and their faces weren't hovering over a smart phone. Don't get me wrong, I still have friends who visit and (for the most part) keep their attention focused on the here and now, but go out in public, you'll see people connected to something electronic at almost all times.

I've found using Facebook much more enjoyable since I deleted everyone I know. My newsfeed is so uncluttered now. I can see things I'm interested in instead of endless memes about everything from relationships to current events. I now have 20 friends and 52 followers. I still use messenger daily. I still follow the friends who have it enabled on their page. If you don't allow followers- turn it on so I can follow you! I recommend it!

      -Legit button to my personal Facebook page.

If you're taking your Facebook relationships too seriously, please for the love of all that is natural and wonderful in this world, stop doing so. It's still just Facebook. Don't let it entirely replace real life. Pick up a phone and call a friend today. Get in your car and go visit your family in person. "Like" your nieces and nephews in real life instead of a video of them playing without you.

Of course distance and funding problems are still a thing, do what you can.

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