Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Travel List - vol. 1 - Agartha

I hate to be cold, with a passion. BUT... At the poles may lie an entrance to the center of the Earth; Agartha. And I'm dying to investigate.

The hollow Earth theory isn't a new one. You may have heard of Jules Verne, his sci-fi novel "Journey to the Center of the Earth", or at least seen the Brendan Fraser movie. He's not the only one though, many others have touched on the theory, as far back as the ancient Greeks, who believed the underworld was the realm of Hades and the dead.

Other religions have similar ideas about the center of the Earth, as I'm sure you are well aware. The Christians have Hell, the Jewish Sheol, Buddhist Shamballa, the Celts, the Iroquois, the list goes on. Some even believe the fabled garden of Eden may have actually been inside the Earth. (Makes sense to me, it is a place we haven't had access to. Maybe there's more to the biblical eviction story than we think). It's also thought that the Arctic could have once been green and inhabited, but that is a story for another day.

But ancient theology aside; there's more recent accounts of guys who claim to have actually been there. They were hushed pretty quickly of course. One was suicided, the other lost. A journal survived though.

My curiosity is way out of control on this one. I have so many questions! What does it look like? It's said there's a sun, how does that work? Is Hell down there? Is the sun Hell? Are the seven layers of Hell part of the journey in there?

Who lives down there? Gods? Aliens? Angels? Devils?

Is it the garden of Eden the bible speaks of? Is it heaven? Shangri-La? Nirvana? Why the secrecy?
How did people who had no business knowing anything about it have knowledge of this? Jules Verne for example; had he been there? Was his novel in fact nonfiction?

Why is it such a secret? Why is the military guarding it so heavily?

What about other planets? Could this explain why planets in our solar system appear uninhabited? Could they be living on the inside?

There are caves and other believed entrances scattered around the globe. Perhaps one of these was the cave Leonardo DaVinci supposedly disappeared into for a couple years in his youth?

Have any thoughts to add? Please comment!

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