Sunday, March 20, 2016

Who is God?

One of the biggest questions there is; who is God? I don't know about you, but I could have a conversation that lasts for weeks on those three words alone. Nat Geo asked this question of people from all over the world in their new show The Story of God. Hosted by everyone's favorite Hollywood version of God; Morgan Freeman.

 I can't wait!

I think "God" is, more than anything else, an idea. It's motivation to do the right thing, hope when you're feeling weak, strength when times are hard, grace when life is good, humility when you get out of check. God, whether you believe in one or not, is a necessity for humans. The notion of a divine creator has shown up in every culture since the beginning of humanity.

The mystery of God and creation and why we are here keeps us humble. If we thought we had everything figured out imagine how chaotic the world would be. (We're getting to that point quickly. Look at how much has been replaced by technology already). I think some mystery in life reminds us that there are things bigger and badder than we are that can just never be explained.

I'm not exactly religious, myself. I'm not an atheist either. My beliefs are more like theories. I've got a hybrid jumble of ideas in my brain about where we came from, why we're here, where we're going, what matters and what doesn't. I pretty much just pick out ideas I think make sense and say, "Yeah, that could happen". 

Ghosts for instance. Maybe it is just my complex human brain playing tricks on me, and my boyfriend, and my friends when they visit and the cat and the dog and the kids... maybe not. I believe it's ghosts. 

Things like de'ja vous and past life memories can be explained by my theory that the sequence of everything is repeated over and over for eternity. Also black holes and big bangs. See, I figure if the universe was created by this big bang, all the matter in the whole universe squashed into a tiny speck until the pressure of it all can't hold it in anymore then BAM! All matter that ever existed, all energy of every kind, explodes all over the universe.

And a black hole is just the opposite of the "Bam", all that energy and matter sucked in and squeezed into a space the size of a marble. It makes sense to me that the two phenomena go together. Folding in on itself and exploding again over and over for the rest of forever. In a universe full of strange things, it seems too far fetched to call it coincidence that black holes and big bangs involve stuff being sucked into and exploding from a tiny space.

So eventually all that is, will be sucked into one big black hole and squashed so tight it eventually explodes back out again. And again and again. The universe is just an extremely slowly moving thing, a giant Mobius loop, endlessly swallowing and regurgitating itself in ripples of time. 

I believe a soul is a tangible thing. Like trees, rocks, people. It's real. It's energy. Even if you burn a tree, it's matter still exists, just now it's charcoal and ash. A soul may not stay in your body when it dies but it has to go somewhere. These things won't disappear in the black hole, they will still be there, even when the next big bang vomits everything back out those souls have to go somewhere. They can't just disappear. 

Maybe everything will happen in the same way it did before. Like the entire universe is basically reduced to binary, everything either is or it isn't, and it will keep running those same "codes" each time it cycles through. So maybe I vaguely remember meeting someone somewhere before because I have, so long ago that time becomes meaningless. I've done all of this before. Maybe that's how the fortune teller sees your future in your palm, she has some vague memory of the previous cycle. 

Reincarnation fascinates me too. I'd love to meet the Dalai Lama, before and after he dies and comes back. What I wouldn't give to sit in on the selection process on the new one. It's a very curious notion, that a soul could pop in and out of a body as it pleases. 

So who is God if all this crazy stuff is true? Everything. That's my answer. There is a living spirit in everything. The universe itself is a moving, changing, living thing. I just plain don't buy the Catholic story I grew up with of some great big guy floating in the clouds who gets lonely and decides to clap his hands and up springs the Earth and all the little fluffy creatures on it. It makes zero sense to me. 

I believe science and spirituality are in harmony with each other. Just because one is right doesn't mean the other is wrong. A monkey with a soul can still evolve into a man. 

What are your thoughts? Who is YOUR God?
Comment below! I absolutely love hearing others beliefs or theories. Don't be shy. What could possibly be crazier than Scientology? And that's a thing, so...

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