Friday, March 11, 2016

Welcome Spring, Hello Diet

Mother Earth's northern lands are beginning to thaw. The crusty snowbanks are shrinking quickly this week, flooding the streets and yards around town. It was warm enough yesterday to walk to the other side of town in a tank top! I'm so excited for warmer weather!!

Just thinking of fishing and swimming and laying around in the sun, picking wildflowers, making daisy chains, climbing trees, barbecues and bonfires, I can't wait!

I'm not so excited about trying to squeeze into my shorts though. 

*not my butt, but it could be 
Soooo diet time. 

The scariest part of a diet isn't changing what you eat. It's changing how you think. And that isn't easy to do. But I've done it before, so I know it's possible. It's what they mean by "think thin". It's the leap between "I don't NEED this extra food" to "I don't want this extra food".

I don't know about you, but I need better motivation to get off my ass than just my ass doesn't look good in these shorts. I need something more drastic. Major life changes like moving away or a nasty break up or a new boyfriend to impress aren't options for me right now. I quite like my man, I'd like to keep him,and I can't afford to buy a tropical island yet so moving is out.

So I've chosen a good friend to be my motivation. She wants to diet as well so we're doing this together. Not letting her down is my get-up-and-do-it. You gotta find something to make you NEED that weight gone, not just the weight though, to be healthier. To live differently and not be a slave to the junk food industry. 

Who's with me? 

Good, Let's start! Tomorrow! haha

Is there something you know you shouldn't be indulging in, but you just can't live without it? (Of course there is, you don't want to diet because you're a vegan health nut.) Chips, chocolate, burgers and fries, soda, beer, it's all nutritional slavery. It's food that makes you feel good. (Until you eat too much and feel like a steaming pile of shit.) So your body wants more of it.

Whatever your "thing" is, you need to ditch it! 

Mine is soda and potato chips. Doom foods.

Here's a chart of replacements that might help

Coke/PepsiRoot Beer
Anything Else!
Other SodaSparkling water
Store BoughtHome Made
Potato ChipsRice Cakes
Sweet TeaHerbal Tea
Second HelpingsGlass of Water
Take a Walk
TacosChicken Tacos
PizzaChicken and Veggies
ChocolateOrganic Dark Chocolate
Ice CreamSmoothie
CookiesFig Newton
Veg OilCoconut Oil
ButterCoconut Oil
CriscoCoconut Oil
MilkAlmond Milk
Milk for BakingCoconut Milk

Coke is so bad for you. I was a pepsi drinker for many years, and could never drop the weight. Until I replaced colas with coffee. It's definitely a required taste, but now I can't get enough of the stuff. Which is also not awesome, but better than cola. Pretty much anything is! I found root beer to be helpful in weening myself off the cola. Read this for more info on what coke does to your body.

If it's a lighter soda you crave, you might like sparkling water. They have better flavors, no caffeine and more bubbles! (Beware some have a high sugar content)

Store bought anything comes with a big fat dose of crap that's no good for you. Preservatives and whatever gluten is. It's barely edible and has fuck all for nutritional value. Home made tastes better, and you know what you're putting into your food. Buy local whenever you can =)

Potato Chips are my downfall. I like salty. But they're bad for you, blah blah blah. I don't mind rice cakes though. They come with cheese and ranch now, they're actually really good. But if you can't stomach those at least switch to crackers or popcorn or something. They're also easier to put down ;)

Willpower is a lonely bitch. Make friends with her. Walk your empty plate to the sink, and right out the door. Any distraction will do! 

In love with tacos? Skip the fried beef. Instead rub your taco season* onto your raw chicken, bake, then shred, then stuff your tacos, easy on the cheese, and stuff your face. They're awesome. *Make your own to avoid nasty chemically crap- Find the foreign food section in the grocery store. Grab Adobo and Sazon. The darker orange one. I use two sazon packets and a dash of adobo and some salt in mine. Add before you drain the grease or after with about a half cup of water, simmer til it thickens.

Pizza, be creative. Try veggies and chicken or fish if you're into it. Go light on the cheese, maybe try something new. I love pumpkin, feta and red onion on a pizza. Google is your best friend, ask her for some ideas. 

Honey is more expensive than sugar, and maybe not right for everything. But new teeth are expensive too, js. 

Chocolate - Oh, the devil's delight. It's like heaven, rolled in sex and marinated in perfection. But sooo fattening. 
Milk chocolate, yes. Very fattening. But if you use cocoa powder and bake at home you can control what goes in and what doesn't. Google healthy substitutes and find something that you like. I usually experiment (fuck up) with a few batches before I get what I want out of a google recipe so don't get discouraged if it comes out weird :) LOL
And chocolate lovers rejoice... Scientists (or whoever comes up with these things) have concluded that dark chocolate (70% + cocoa content) is actually GOOD FOR YOU!!!! yayyyyy! Check out this site for more info on dark chocolate.

Cow milk is okay, but there are better alternatives. I don't believe a glass of milk will make you fat LOL But instead of that watery skim bullshit try almond milk for drinking. Smoothies too. And coconut milk is a little thicker than the almond milk making it better for baking. Find both of these right next to the cow milk in your grocery store. 

Ice Cream people- Try italian ices or freeze some dark chocolate, or melt it and pour it on snow. How about a milk shake, with almond milk? Smoooothies. mmm

Cookie lovers - Fig Newtons. Come back for future posts. I have plans to share from my personal cook book. 

And try coconut oil. It does everything. 

Apart from all that, let's drink a ton of water, get off our butts once in a while and lose some of this winter fat.

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