Thursday, January 14, 2016

Your face ;)

I found this magic soap on a quest for a natural remedy for scabies (which turned out to be hives after all my trouble lol)
 Neem soap

This natural* soap is made of oil extracted from the neem tree in India, where they swear by the stuff. And for good reason. It's used to treat skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, scabies, and ringworm. It prevents infections and even repels mosquitos.

Since it turned out my diagnosis of scabies was wrong and it's winter right now, I can't vouch for most of these personally, but what I can say is that my skin is SO SOFT!!! And any pimples that pop up after a deep fried PMS binge don't last long. They're gone without so much as a "see ya!" by the next day.

As for the smell, it's different.  Kinda hard to explain it, it's a little like those old fashioned handmade soaps your grandma probably kept in a ceramic dish on her bathroom sink,only much milder. It's nice though. It makes you feel clean just to smell it, I swear!

There's a few brands out there. This is the one I ordered on Amazon Margo Neem Soap - (click me) and I'm in love with it.

If that brand doesn't work out for you, try one of the more pricey choices. I read HERE that it's made in different strengths using different extraction methods and some are better than others but you should be shooting for at least 20% neem oil. (I borrowed some other info from that page too).

I'd love some feedback on your experiences with this soap. Leave me a comment!

*Depending on the manufacturer of the soap

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