Sunday, January 17, 2016

Kill A Cold

Winter is here and the viruses are thriving. I've got a household of sickies this week so I thought I'd share some of my favorite home remedies. These are things you can find in your kitchen. They're cheap and they're natural and they help you feel a little less gross.

1. Hot Honey & Lemon -  This was a favorite of my mother's when I was little. Now I make it for my children, but with some variations of my own.

     Mom's recipe - Boil a mug worth of water. Add 1 tsp each of honey and lemon juice and stir. (Good for a sore throat)

     My recipe - Boil a mug worth of water. Add peppermint teabag to unblock a nose or chamomile tea for bed time. Add 1 TBS honey (coats and soothes a sore throat),
                           1 TBS apple cider vinegar (antiseptic and helps clear nose), and a
                           slice of fresh ginger for the belly (maybe not with peppermint, yuck).
 Let tea steep a few minutes and remove teabag. Drink while hot/warm.
(All of these ingredients are optional and I interchange them to suit the drinker and the symptoms. If you need it sweeter, add more honey. If you can stomach more vinegar, go for it! The stuff is wonderful, the more the better)

2. Garlic Socks - My Nanna swears by rubbing garlic on the feet for sickness. 
    Chop a clove of garlic in half. Rub them on the soles of your feet and leave them in your socks while you sleep.

3. Magic Onion - Another one from my beautiful Nanna. 
     Chop the onion in half. No need to peel. Place it near your bed at night (cut side up). I'm not sure on the science behind this one. I just know better than to question Nanna ;)

4. Vinegar Vapor - If you can't stand vinegar, even when you're too sick to taste it, try this one to clear your nose. 
     First try taking the cap off a bottle of vinegar, any will do, and take a big sniff. Still blocked? Pour some in a boiling pot of water and enjoy the steam from nearby. (Close enough to smell it, not close enough to get burnt. Steam is hot, folks.)

5. Homemade Chicken Soup - There's just something about the chicken soup. But the stuff in the can just won't do.
     Roast your chicken. Left overs work great too. Chop it up and throw it in a pot with at least one box of chicken stock, 5 or 6 cups of water, some fresh chopped onion and celery and let simmer on low for an hour or throw it in a crockpot on low for 2-4 hrs. Salt to taste.


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