Thursday, December 3, 2015

Bang goes the media

So I don't understand the whole "mass shooting" phenomenon.  What does it prove to murder a bunch of strangers? I mean sure, I love a good horror story about serial killers of old as much as the next guy, but I don't think of them as role models. 👎🏼

Who Exactly are these psychos? Are they terrorists? Vigilantes? Kids with sick minds and terrible parents? What's your motive, dammit?! 

What's really disturbing is that I feel less for these stories when I turn on the news than I used to. I find that I'm less interested in who got shot today than I was a year ago. Maybe that was their motive?

The conspiracy theorists claim good old Uncle Sam is drugging and brainwashing these people, and instructing them to shoot the innocent for the purpose of scaring the civilians into willingly surrendering their weapons, for the sake of the children, ya know. (I hear Hitler pulled the same shit on the Jews). Is war coming to our soil next?

Are the paranoid crazies in tin foil hats on to something? 😳

Did you know it's illegal to stock up food? As in enough to live on when the world really goes to shit. And it's illegal to collect rain water. That's right, a crime to bottle water from the sky. 

(Who do these pencil pushers think they are?!)

Whatever your theories, just remember don't drink anything you didn't pour yourself. 🤐 you just never know who poisoned that shit. 

Peace people ✌🏻

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