Monday, November 23, 2015

Hello, I love you!

Hey people, welcome to my blog. I've never done one of these before but have wanted to for a while now, so I guess I should use my first post as an introduction. Mostly cuz it's late and I don't have anything particular on my mind right now.

First of all, coming up with titles and screen names are not my forte. I don't fit in a "box", man. I'm an Irish Aussie-American with gypsy in my blood (from my mother's side) from a small redneck town in the far North (practically Canada) I have eclectic tastes and sometimes I'm a walking contradiction. So labeling myself is a struggle.

Also, I have no idea what this blog will be about. Most likely a little bit of everything going on around me. Sneak preview; I love cats, I live for horror movies, politics kinda hurt my brain and current events piss me off, but I'll likely throw in some opinionated rants on both. I'm a Disney buff and a sideshow freak during the month of October. I'm a starving artist (should have listened to my English professor and gone with the journalism major), I'm a mom, a geek, a hippy, a Scorpio, and lots of other labels. What I'm NOT is politically correct so if you're one of the many easily offended douchebags trolling the internet, stop right here and move along. This blog is not for you. Anyone else, happy reading!

This should be fun, right?

Welcome, friends. Keep reading and share the shit outta this cuz mama needs subscribers to pay the bills.


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