Wednesday, February 17, 2016

How to have FUN in WINTER

So we're half way through this abysmal season, you're pale and bored and your children are driving you to drink. Maybe they have the week off school for mid winter break like mine does. Maybe you just sat home for three days straight through a nasty ice storm like I did. And if you're like me, nothing about being cold appeals to you. So here's some activities to try with the little bastards before you start going bald from frustration. 

If the weather permits, here's some snow-friendly things to do for fun.


A really easy way to occupy the monsters. Add food coloring to water in a bottle, shake it up and send them outside. 

To make the colors bright use the gel kind of food coloring. ;)

Found at

Make a snow-something

Forget a boring old snowman. Make those lazy fuckers use their imagination. 

There's some really cute ideas here

Pallet Igloo

So, this is the coolest idea ever. Cuz igloos are fun, but a major pain in the butt to make. 

This obviously requires some pre-planning but how friggin cool is this thing?!

Found it here

Winter Science For Kids

These look fun. 
Wonder what a frozen bubble does? Pop or shatter?

My girls will think they're Elsa and Anna when they see this shit.

Find more here

Rainbow Ice Globes

Ooooh pretty.

Just balloons filled with water and food coloring, popped, and plopped outside. 

They'll look fun when they melt too.

Source: Not sure to be honest. Clicked the link given with this photo on Pinterest but couldn't find this photo or anything about it.

Ice Candle Holder

It's so preeeety. Not for the younger little bastards but the older ones might enjoy freezing some pretty shit stuffed between a couple tin cans.  

(My sister will like this one. I can see my niece and nephew rounding up cans right now... haha)

Find the instructions for how to do it here

Snow Candy

The "Snow Cream" looks good =)

Find the recipes here

Another Snow Cream Recipe

This really looks good. And fun. Go make mama some snow cream, minions.

Melted Snowman Cookies

These are just too cute. Looks like sugar cookies topped with home made white icing with a marshmallow, cinnamon buttons and some frosting details. 


No recipe came with this, just the photo. The only credit that came with it was to Pinterest. Thank you unknown Pinterest user.

So you're on your own with this one. Send me your results if you want to share. =)

Home Made Play Dough

I think I'll just start replacing my kids' actual brand name play doh with this stuff. 

I can't stand the smell of Play Doh. 

Find it here

Frozen Gack Stuff

My girls are gonna freak over this stuff. 

Recipe here

Home-made Snow Globes

These are so pretty. I imagine mine won't be half this nice lol

Not sure where this one came from but similar ones say to just glue the figure to the lid, add sprinkles and water, glue the lid to the jar with water proof glue and you're done.  

Other COOL Ideas

Pun intended.

This page has a big list of cool shit to do. I LOVE the ice wreath and the nature ornaments. 

Get 'em here

Bird Feeder Ice Wreaths

I love everything about these! 

Kids, go make mama some pretty shit for the yard.

How they did it

Might as well enjoy today, even if it's cold outside. Sunshine is good for you. I definitely need more of it but I'm not a fan of the cold. 

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