Thursday, February 11, 2016

Garbage Posts and Weird Scams

There's a lot of weird crap on the internet. Like, a LOT of really weird stuff. Which is cool. Where else would you find shit this weird? Real life? Doubt it. But people tend to believe it all. You name it, I guarantee there's a group of suckers out there willing to whole heartedly accept it as fact.

Not just chupacabra and big foot, but flesh eating parasites that live in your bras,
OMG I have this! (Photoshop, I mean, not the boob eating bugs)
Magic lamps made of pink salt, 
Have a legit medical condition? Plug in this hunk of salt and be cured!
And don't get me started on these things... 
Buy these rocks and life will be grand!

And people buy it! Literally! 

But if you google these things, the parasites are total bullshit. A photoshop job, for only God knows what reason. 

   "This image appears to be the product of the melding of a photograph of a woman's breast and a picture of something similar to a lotus seed pod: " -

Lotus seed pod
Thanks again,

The salt lamp has ZERO scientific evidence to back it up (according to wikipedia) although I've heard some people say there have been studies to support some of these claims, but the evidence was not overwhelmingly awesome anyway. 

   "There actually are studies out there. The negative ions that are said to do all of the above are very low, so they would not do a significant amount of good." - Facebook user

As for the crystals (rocks), a plastic one can do all the same tricks. It really is all in your head, in this case. And that's okay, just don't spend a fortune on rocks expecting them to cure your terminal illness. You may be more than a little disappointed. 

   "A study has shown that the sensations reported by believers in crystals – such as tingling, warmth and feelings of well-being – come instead from the power of suggestion. When given cheap, fake crystals, people reported exactly the same mysterious sensations as when they handle the genuine articles." -

Moral of the story- Don't be a fool. Do your homework before you fall for any old thing you read and definitely don't invest your hard earned money in something you heard about on the internet before you research it. Scams are only lucrative for the scammer, and you, my friend could wind up scammed.

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